The dedicated row in Costco.
The twinkly lights cleverly tucked behind a pumpkin.
The facebook memes announcing how many weeks/days/hours until Christmas.
It’s undeniable…the holidays will be here before you know it!
Living in the desert, we’re still sweating out 100 degree days so the physical cue that we’re heading into the holidays just isn’t there. And yet, I sort of feel it. It’s like something lurking in the shadows waiting to rush me when the coast is clear. Whether I’m ready or not, Christmas will be here in a blink.
That got me thinking about gifts. Many folks love the idea of sharing memories and stories as a Christmas gift. It might be from a parent who wants to pass along their wisdom and values to their adult children. Or, it may be the adult child, looking for a unique gift for their parent. How many of you struggle with what to get the person who has everything? Yup…me too. Gifting a personal history is a great way of saying you honor and love the person. Plus, it’s a fun activity for them to do. Reviewing one’s life and seeing how far one has come gives a boost of confidence. Reminiscing opens up doors in the mind that release memories not thought about in years. A former client, Sam, summed it up well, "Michele unlocked memories that we had not thought about in many, many years ... now captured for posterity. I believe our family members will be very grateful to receive, individually, little computer thumb drives that will, in our own voices, tell our life story."
Thanks Michele for sharing your article and reminding us why it is important to capture the memories and leave our legacy!
Contact Michele Trent for more information to give the gift of wisdom!
[email protected]