A comprehensive dental plan is essential to avoid impairments. Make a plan by consulting with oral health or dentistry professional. Here are some diseases that may arise from bad oral health care:
Cardiovascular diseases
Commonly known as heart disease. This may result from bacteria in the oral region. The said bacteria from plaque build-up, gum inflammation, and periodontal disease can enter one’s cardiovascular system. Once in the bloodstream, it will travel through the veins and into the heart. The bacteria can cause atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries. This disease causes plaque development due to the narrowness of the arteries. Since they are hardened and incapable of stretching, it can block proper flow of the blood throughout the body, which can cause an increased risk for heart attack or a stroke. Another disease is the endocarditis, which is where the inner lining of the heart gets infected and inflamed.
Diabetic complications
Oral health diseases which include gum inflammation and periodontal disease can make it difficult to control one’s blood sugar levels. This can worsen the symptoms of diabetes. As a consequence, this will also increase the risk of attaining periodontal diseases. Oral health care is more important for people with diabetes.
Respiratory Infections
According to the Journal of Periodontology, gum diseases can cause lung infections, particularly pneumonia. This is a consequence of repeatedly breathing in bacteria from the oral region. After a while, they might accumulate in the respiratory area and cause respiratory infections.
The bacterial buildup in the oral region can enter the brain via nerve channels or even through the bloodstream. The bacteria can compromise one’s nervous system and lead to the development of dementia or even Alzheimer’s disease.
As illustrated in these examples, it is practically inevitable to contain oral health diseases to your mouth. There are multiple ways for them to infect the other regions of the body. Proper oral care and maintaining good oral hygiene is vital to your overall health and wellbeing.